Comprehensive Financial Plans

Comprehensive Financial Plans

Every life and every set of financial circumstances is different. And so, each financial plan that we create has you and your needs at the centre of our conversations.

Our core service is the production of holistic, comprehensive financial plans for clients across Ireland.

See how you are doing in each of these areas. Click each button below and find out now.

We create your financial plan in 6 simple steps.

We set out exactly how it works, from a timeline to payment information and what’s involved for us, the service providers and you, the client.

We get a clear picture of your current financial situation. Between us, we will define your personal and financial goals, understand your timeframe for results and discuss, if relevant, how you feel about risk. We gather all necessary documents before giving you the advice you need.

We analyse your information to assess your current situation and determine what you must do to meet your goals. Depending on what services you have asked for, this could include analysing your assets, liabilities and cashflow, current insurance coverage, investments, or tax strategies.

We will make financial planning recommendations that address your goals, based on the information you provide. We will explain the recommendations to you to help you understand them so that you can make informed decisions. We will listen to any concerns you may have and revise the recommendations as appropriate.

We will agree on how the recommendations will be carried out. Foundation Stone Financial Planning may carry out the recommendations or serve as your coach, coordinating the process with you and other professionals such as solicitors, accountants, or stockbrokers.

You and Foundation Stone Financial Planning will agree on who will monitor your progress towards your goals. If Foundation Stone Financial Planning Limited is in involved in the monitoring process, we will report to you periodically to review your situation and adjust the recommendations, if needed, as your life changes.

What is included in your
comprehensive Financial Plan?

No life is immune to change. Likewise, your tailor-made financial roadmap may need modifying to adjust to life’s twists and turns.

This is where we offer our skills as Life Centred Financial Planners, financial navigators that really kick into action as we guide you through life’s transitions.

As financial planners, we journey with you and will often get an understanding of your personal circumstances that may be better than your doctor, accountant and lawyer.

We put you at the centre of all our conversations and everything that we do is independent of any product or fee that might be paid when you deal with a financial advisor.

Financial Planning

Have you planned so that you can live the life you want to? Use this 2-minute test to see how you score against the main areas you can control to ensure you do.

Lifestyle Wheel

Use our lifestyle wheel to see what areas of your life could do with an overhaul. Remember life is not a rehearsal.

Estate Planning

Will your assets pass to the important people in your life? Have you thought about a gift while you live? Have you thought about the tax implications of your estate? Use the 2-minute quiz below to see if you are prepared.

Pension and Investments

Is the investment return that you are seeking appropriate for your needs? Are you saving tax efficiently? Are your investments delivering what you need? See how you feel about these and other important questions with our 2-minute quiz.