Retirement Planning

Did you know that modern retirements last between 20 and 40 years? That’s a sobering fact that makes you realise how important it is to have a plan in place for such a long stage of your life after you stop working.

We all need an income when we retire and so, it’s essential to ensure you have a retirement income strategy in place in time.

All retirement planning is done with your current financial status in mind, fuelled by your desired status and lifestyle goals for retirement.

From minimum must-haves like food, utilities and healthcare, to financing things like travel, hobbies, entertainment and supporting your children and grandchildren in their life transitions, your retirement plan aims to ensure you also have finances for those rainy-day moments too

Your retirement plan also needs to consider if you’re planning to gift money to children, downsize your current home, buy a holiday home or even move to a different country.

We create a strategy which prepares your finances for any cashflow shortfalls, and we do this through (but is not limited to) pension savings, asset sales and investments.

Post-retirement, we partner with you to help you through any changes in everything from travel plans to opportunities to invest in family business.

It might seem daunting to have to discuss these things, especially when we are forced to face failing health conditions and how our loved ones will be looked after, but Foundation Stone Financial Planning will support you and your family through these discussions so you can feel comforted that you have a plan in place for all.

See how you are doing in each of these areas. Click each button below and find out now.

Pension and Investments

Is the investment return that you are seeking appropriate for your needs? Are you saving tax efficiently? Are your investments delivering what you need? See how you feel about these and other important questions with our 2-minute quiz.

Estate Planning

Will your assets pass to the important people in your life? Have you thought about a gift while you live? Have you thought about the tax implications of your estate? Use the 2-minute quiz below to see if you are prepared.

Lifestyle Wheel

Use our lifestyle wheel to see what areas of your life could do with an overhaul. Remember life is not a rehearsal.

Financial Planning

Have you planned so that you can live the life you want to? Use this 2-minute test to see how you score against the main areas you can control to ensure you do.