Financial Planning Fees

Foundation Sone Financial Planning LImited’s primary business is the preparation of financial plans. We charge a fee for the time we spend in analysing the data you provide us with, preparing a written plan document and presenting that plan to you. You will sign a financial planning agreement with us and for our financial planning service our fee is described below:

Principles / Directors €180.00 per hour.

Additional fees may be payable for complex cases or to reflect value, specialist skills or urgency. Our scale of fees for such cases range from a minimum of €180.00 per hour to a maximum of €250 per hour.

A comprehensive financial plan may take as many as 10 – 30 hours to complete. On this basis fees for a comprehensive financial plan may range from €1800 to €5400. If fees are anticipated to be well in excess of this range, we will discuss this with you in advance of the work being started. We will notify you in advance and agree the scale of fees to be charged.

Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs)

Fees Where advice is requested for PRSAs, the following hourly fees will apply:

Advisor fees: €180.00 per hour.

A  finacial plan may suggest that you purchase financial products. If you decide to proceed with the financial products suggested you are free to conduct these transactions with a broker or service provider of your choice. You can also choose to conduct these transactions trough Foundation Stone Financial Planning Limited. Where these transactions result in a fee or commission being genertaed for the benefit of Foundation Stone Financial Planning Limited the company will rebate a portion of this to the client to cover the invoiced cost of the plan. 


To be clear the comprehensive financial plan we will provide for you is clear and practical financial advice that will develop your vision of the future and help you design a strategy to guide you to your goals. It is not prepared with a sale in mind. You will be free to transact our recommendations with another provider if you decide not to use Foundation Stone Financial Planning Limited for other services. If you choose us to implement portions of the plan, we will offset the cost of your plan production by any fees or commissions paid to the us by an investment or insurance provider.

Estate Planning

Will your assets pass to the important people in your life? Have you thought about a gift while you live? Have you thought about the tax implications of your estate? Use the 2-minute quiz below to see if you are prepared.

Pension and Investments

Is the investment return that you are seeking appropriate for your needs? Are you saving tax efficiently? Are your investments delivering what you need? See how you feel about these and other important questions with our 2-minute quiz.

Lifestyle Wheel

Use our lifestyle wheel to see what areas of your life could do with an overhaul. Remember life is not a rehearsal.

Financial Planning

Have you planned so that you can live the life you want to? Use this 2-minute test to see how you score against the main areas you can control to ensure you do.